Often people approach Quantum Healing as a last resort. They have tried conventional solutions to help themselves, those have failed, so they decide to give alternative healing methods a shot.

Beata, an attractive mother of two, contacted me to seek help in her quest to lose weight. As a successful hypnotherapist herself, she was confused as to why she couldn’t drop the weight: she ate very healthily and exercised, so why wouldn’t it shift? She was embarrassed also to be an overweight therapist, and wanted her clients to see her as a good role model.

Beata also wanted insight into a recurring dream she had been having for the past eight months. James, an acquaintance of hers, kept appearing in her dreams, saying that he was sorry and that he wanted her help. This was very puzzling, as she barely knew him, but it was making her feel very uncomfortable.

Quantum Hypnosis sessions are a bit like jigsaw puzzles- The client brings a few pieces, you can see a theme, but on their own, they make no sense. During the session, missing pieces are filled in, and the Big Picture falls into place.

With any recurring issue or pattern in someone’s life, we need to go to the origin of it to fully understand then heal it.

Beata’s first past life took her to a busy marketplace, where she was a beautiful, tall, slim dark-skinned woman. She knew she was very powerful. She was heading into an Islamic style palace.

I spoke to the woman, who was a Queen, about Beata’s weight issue, and the woman replied that she was angry, because Beata was ‘pathetic and weak’, and ‘fat and lazy’. She explained that Beata was wearing the fat like a suit, because she was scared of her own power.

I asked her to help Beata to remove the suit. She unzipped it at the back to allow Beata to step out of it and see herself as slim and beautiful. She told Beata that to stay in her power, she must keep an awareness of that power, and really ‘feel’ it.

Beata’s next past life experience took her to 1950’s New York, where she was a beautiful, slim young girl of fifteen called Eve. We saw her opening the front door of her house, to be greeted with slaps from George, her stepfather. George was disgusting- fat, bald, greasy and middle aged. He immediately went from slapping Eve to forcing himself onto her. She explained that this abuse had been going on for years.

One of the most powerful aspects of Quantum Hypnosis is the ability to change roles and speak to different characters in the story- Eve changed roles with George, and we were able to speak to him about his behaviour. Why did he treat her like this? He explained that he loved her and wanted her to love him. When she didn’t, he forced himself on her anyway. He knew this was wrong, but couldn’t stop himself.

We did some forgiveness therapy, where Eve forgave George and George forgave himself. Forgiveness is difficult when people are conscious, but hypnosis allows the detachment necessary to release old traumas.

I asked Eve if she recognised George’s energy as someone she knew in her current life as Beata, and amazingly, he was James! The recurring dreams suddenly made sense as the pieces fell into place.

We did some role change work with James, who kept telling us that he loved Beata, but that she mustn’t know. He also repeated how sorry he was. On a subconscious level, he knew he had violated her in a previous life, and that apologising to her in dreams was his way of dealing with it. He accepted that loving her, but not being able to be close to her or have her was his lesson to learn in this current life.

After some forgiveness therapy and some energy healing to release feelings of guilt and shame from his heart and stomach, we continued with Beata’s session.

Following that life, Beata was taken to her Spirit Council for a consultation before incarnating into her current life. We are given choices there about what challenges we will face and what lessons we wish to learn, as well as what we will look like and who our parents will be.

Beata’s only proviso was that she did not want to be slim and pretty! Although she had been slim at times during her current life, she had never felt truly comfortable, and that when men found her attractive she wanted to hide.

We removed negative emotions and did some healing, and Beata affirmed that she wanted to be slim.

She told me that she felt a shift in the way she felt about herself- the ‘men fear’ had eased off a lot, and she felt more attractive and accepting of herself.

Recently I spoke to Beata to see how things were going, but in spite of how much she had enjoyed her session, and how it had helped her to understand things and put them into place, she still wasn’t dropping the weight.

With her permission, I did a distance energy healing, and found a karmic imprint related to weight in her heart. She had had at least three lifetimes where weight was an issue. I released the imprint and did some healing.

Two days later, Beata reported that she had lost her appetite, but she will keep me informed as to how things go with weight loss.

Watch out for updates as I receive them.


Beata sent me a message this week saying

‘I wanted to share with you how I feel after our session. I realise that I have so much less attachment to food. It’s almost strange, where before it was all I cared about. I never eat junk, crisps, chocolate or such things. But good food is still no good when it’s too much. I also realised how I can become instantly slim after a session when it took 50 years to get where I am now. It takes time for the body to let go of all that unnecessary fat protection. So it did work. I am so looking forward to booking another session with you. I loved it!’

*As every client’s experience with quantum healing is different, results will vary depending on the individual.

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