This is an uncomfortable topic to write about, as I realise many people don’t believe psychic attacks exist, far less psychic attacks by dark occultists. However, I can only report my experiences as they happen.
A couple of weeks ago, I got a phone call from a lady who had read my Twin Flame blog and thought I might be able to help her. She told me that she was being attacked by a black magician who had been making her life a misery for the past few years.
She had met this woman through a mutual friend, and they realised that they had a lot of hobbies and interests in common. Their friendship developed from there.
Helen, the Satanist, had made no secret of the fact that she was homosexual from the outset, and Carol, my client, being an open-minded individual, didn’t care. I only mention this as it is relevant to the story. Even when Helen suggested they get together, Carol brushed it off. Helen insisted that Carol was her ‘surrogate twin flame’, and even suggested they do a ritual together to increase the bond, which Carol laughed off as ‘a bit of fun’.
Over the course of the next year or so, things started going really badly for Carol. Her health deteriorated, she couldn’t sleep, and daily accidents and misfortunes were commonplace.
As a spiritual person, she turned to Angels for help. ‘I don’t know what I’d do if it weren’t for my Angels guiding me.’ She said. ‘They tell me things are going to be OK and give me comfort when I need it. They are always there to give me advice.’

I was starting to get a bad feeling about this.
I asked Carol about her health- What symptoms did she have?
Her right hand and arm up to the elbow often felt paralysed, to the extent that she couldn’t hold a pen. Her right shoulder was stiff and sore, and cracked often. Her left hand was also very sore, with pain going up the arm to the elbow and into the bicep. The lymph gland under her left arm was swollen to the size of a tennis ball, and she could feel painful sparks down the whole arm into her finger and thumb. Also on that hand, she often got what looked like a necrotic, purple rash where the skin looked as if it was literally being eaten away.
Her bladder, uterus, ovaries and colon were also very painful. She suffered from almost chronic urinary tract infections.
Her lungs and throat were also congested, she had a persistent cough, sinus and lung pain and blockage and problems with her balance.
She had sciatica in her right leg, high blood pressure and extreme pain in her heart.
She told me that she knew Helen was a Satanist, and that she had told her that she had put implants into Carol to cause her symptoms. Carol could not explain why she still was friendly with this person, knowing she was creating all this pain.
I felt a real sense of urgency to help Carol, so I agreed to do a distance session straight away.
When I started to scan her body, the first thing I found was a small black box in her throat chakra. This black box was connected to every chakra down both the front and back of her body, so I had to take my time removing it carefully. It was almost like pulling a long-rooted weed from the soil. When I tuned into its purpose, I saw that it was responsible for transmitting the pain and disease through her body, almost like a conductor for the Satanist’s dark intentions.

Underneath the black box in her throat, I found a synthetic, black crystal. When I asked what it was for I heard ‘to poison her words.’
I saw that Helen was a middle ranking Satanist in a well known satanic Sect, and that she had been grooming Carol to be a sacrificial victim in an upcoming ritual. Because she needed Carol’s consent, she had used hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming to fool her into going along with it. It was mind control, pure and simple, and it had been going on for at least three years.
The ‘Angels’ Carol was talking to and relying on so heavily were Lower Astral beings, disguising themselves as Beings of Light. They were acting under Helen’s instruction. Things that normally would have been red flags to Carol seemed reasonable because of the mind control and outside Dark influences she was under.
I found an etheric device in Carol’s arm attached to an implant in her hand, which, when activated by Helen, caused Carol to masturbate. The sensation-and sexual energy-from this was transmitted to Helen, and unfortunately for Carol, she was unable to control where and when this happened.
In the sacral chakra, I found a large hook attaching Carol to Helen, and a karmic imprint. I saw that this was the third lifetime this exact situation was playing out. Helen had been a Satanist in all three lives, and Carol had been her victim. I saw the most recent past life where Helen was a rich Victorian Satanist, and Carol was his manservant. He was sodomised regularly and used in rituals by his master. I removed the hook, karmic imprint and a lot of guilt and shame.
At Carol’s root there was a huge (mainly subconscious) fear blockage- she was terrified of Helen, and that she would never escape from her clutches. Any conscious niggles and uneasiness she had were dealt with by the ‘angels’ and the mind control.
On Carol’s spine I found a soul contract made just before this current life, where Carol, out of fear, had agreed to another lifetime of Satanic abuse from Helen. The soul agreement, chillingly, stated ‘I will hound you until the end of Time.’
In the solar plexus chakra was another synthetic black crystal, and its purpose was simply to drain energy and life force from Carol. No wonder she felt awful!
There was an implant like a spike in the sacral chakra, which gave external control of sexual energy and urges. It also blocked Kundalini energy from rising up. When I concentrated more fully, I got the impression that the ritual they needed Carol for was some sort of sex magic, and it would end with her being murdered (or as the Satanists would prefer, ‘sacrificed’).
In her root chakra was an amorphous black blob thoughtform, which was there to cause physical discomfort and painful symptoms.
After the session, Carol contacted me to say that she felt so much better! She was blown away when I told her about the fake angels and the mind control. She felt free for the first time in years.

Later that day as I was thinking things over, I felt very uneasy about a possible ’backlash’ from the Satanists. I decided to put multiple shields around myself for protection, and it is just as well I did. That night, as I was dropping off to sleep, Helen came with who I assume was her mentor, to attack me astrally. Thankfully, my shields held, but I could feel them trying to get through. Eventually they gave up and left, but I could feel how angry they were.
Healing others is an amazing job which I love, because you literally never know what situation you will be dealing with next. Fortunately, cases like Carol’s are rare!
Being able to help people heal from things that traditional medicine can’t help is very rewarding, and although I get occasional backlash, I see it as an occupational hazard. I know that I have my Higher Self, my Guides and my Team in Spirit assisting me and protecting me along the way.
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