One of the most common questions I get asked by clients is ‘Do I have any psychic abilities, and if so, how do I awaken them?

Most people have some kind of psychic ability or spiritual gift(s), but not everyone has accessed them, and the reasons are not always straightforward.


Examples of psychic abilities might be:

  • CLAIRVOYANCE (or ‘clear seeing’). This gift allows you to see future events in pictures, images and visions in your head. Clairvoyants can use this gift to obtain information about people, events, objects and locations.
  • CLAIRAUDIENCE (or ‘clear hearing’) is the ability to hear sounds, messages and voices from spiritual beings not in the physical realm. 
  • CLAIRSENTIENCE (or ‘clear feeling/sensing’) allows the person to ‘feel’ other people’s energies, perceptions and emotions. Sometimes they can feel physical pain suffered by others if they are very tuned in. Many healers and empaths have clairsentient abilities, which although it helps them work with clients, can become a burden if not managed properly.
  • CLAIRCOGNISANCE (or ‘clear knowing’) is the ability to just ‘know’ intuitively the answer to a question, what is wrong with someone, or the solution to a problem. It is one of the more intangible gifts, and the best way to cultivate it is with practice and lots of self-trust. Using a pendulum or automatic writing are good ways to practise and improve this ability.
  • CLAIRSALIENCE (or ‘clear smelling’) is a rare gift which allows someone to receive messages from spirit through smell. For example, a beautiful floral scent may indicate the presence of angels, while tobacco smoke or a favourite perfume may be detected when a deceased loved one is around.
  • CLAIRGUSTANCE (or ‘clear tasting’) is an even rarer gift. It is the ability to ‘taste’ energies. Clairgustant people may get a sweet taste in their mouth when things are going well, or a sour taste when something is not right.
  • TELEPATHY is the ability to pass or receive information, ideas, thoughts etc. without speaking. Many twin flame couples possess this skill, and with practice can become very telepathic.
  • CHANNELLING AND MEDIUMSHIP is a skill in which a person can establish a connection to the spirit world to receive messages from angels, spirits and the deceased. Their physical body and voice are used by the spirit or being concerned to convey important information or to answer questions. It is very important that the medium or channel understands the importance of self-protection and takes precautions to ensure that only the highest and most benevolent beings are coming through.
  • GEOMANCY literally means ‘divining the Earth’, and if someone possesses this gift they will be very in tune with the subtle energies of the earth, ley lines, sacred places and crystals. They may have affinities with elemental spirits, and their gifts can be used to heal and clear geopathic stress in homes, offices and the land in general.
  • HEALING/ENERGY WORK Some people have a gift for using subtle energy to heal with, and they may be drawn to reiki, massage, acupuncture or energy healing.
  • UNIQUE GIFTS- Everyone has their own unique gift, and no two people are the same. Even between healers, or clairvoyants, they will each have abilities that are subtly different.


There are many factors which might be affecting your spiritual gifts, and bringing them ‘online’ is often less straightforward than you might think.

 Many people are overly focused on the role of the third eye, when in actual fact it is often only a small piece of the puzzle. As well as the seven main chakras, you have several chakras above your head and below your feet which, if blocked, will directly affect your psychic abilities.

Some of the issues I regularly find in clients which directly block their gifts are:

  • ENTITY ATTACHMENT AND INTERFERENCE– dark entities are often assigned to people with powerful gifts. Their job is to stop these gifts being developed and used.
  • IMPLANTS– either from AI beings, ETs or other dark entities with an agenda to stop psychic gifts being used. I generally find that ETs will have made a soul contract with the affected person before the current life to allow them to interfere, but the person will have been lied to about the nature of the interference. In this case, both the implants and the soul contract will have to be removed.
  • PAST LIFE TRAUMA– It is very common to find people with past lives as healers, prophets, witches and seers who have suffered torture and abuse because of their gifts. Although the trauma may have happened hundreds of years ago, the fear and shock cause the person’s soul to ‘block’ their abilities in subsequent lives, as a form of self-protection. As well as healing the original trauma, work may be needed to clear limiting beliefs and stuck, negative emotions. Soul retrieval will need to be done, as well as DNA repair.
  • SOUL CONTRACTS AND VOWS- Following on from the past life trauma, many souls enter subsequent lives with contracts they have made to suppress or block their psychic abilities. They may make a vow never to use their gifts in order that they remain ‘safe.’
  • LIMITING BELIEFS AND PROGRAMS- I often find limiting beliefs and programs in people’s chakras. Sometimes these beliefs and programs actively block psychic abilities. Something as straightforward as self-doubt can really throw a spanner in the works where intuition is concerned.
  • LIFE PURPOSE Although life purpose is often tied directly to psychic gifts, some lifetimes may be given over to more ‘worldly’ challenges (such as physical survival!) where such gifts are not overly relevant.


First of all, it is important to find out what your gifts are. Most people have some sort of idea: It will be something that brings you joy, makes you feel fulfilled and often something you are good at.

All your gifts are stored in your multidimensional DNA, and you will have utilised them before in past lives. There are meditations on YouTube you can do to access these past lives. This is a good one here.

The best advice I can give is to PRACTISE and to TRUST YOURSELF! Self-doubt and lack of confidence in your abilities can really hold you back.

Get used to tuning into your Inner Guidance, your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides (if you have Guides, not everyone does). Ask for guidance and help if you feel you need it.

Some people are lucky and have more than one gift- work on whatever you feel is right at the time.

Trust that your Team in Spirit have your best interests at heart, and will be helping you behind the scenes to work on improving your gifts, but remember to be patient- Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you don’t get the prize without running the race! Practise, practise, practise!

If you need help in identifying or clearing blocks to access your spiritual gifts, please contact me to arrange a session.

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One response to “PSYCHIC ABILITIES”

  1. Carol says:

    I need to clear the blocks into knowing my spiritual gifts

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