Why, in a healing blog, am I choosing to write about psychic activity in peoples’ homes?

Funnily enough, it is something that I deal with quite frequently,  usually coupled with Satanic attacks, entity attachment and sometimes even past life contracts.

Psychic disturbances in the home can include noises, things getting moved around, sensations of touch on the body, seeing things and often a heavy or nasty atmosphere. Some people report arguments and discord among the family also.

One of the most common reasons for this kind of activity is if someone in the family has been suffering from Satanic or psychic attacks. As well as attaching entities to their victims, dark occultists can open portals in your home which act as gateways for lower astral entities to pass through.

I often find curses attached to clients’ homes from these attacks also.

One of my clients had an obsessive and controlling ex partner who was also a dark magician. Although they had split up, and she hadn’t seen him for over a year, he had attached entities, hooks and cords to her and opened lower astral portals in her home to allow free access to these dark entities.

Another client had just bought a house which he said was haunted. He had acquired a dark entity attachment since moving in, and claimed he could see these dark beings moving around his home. When I investigated, I saw that the house had been previously rented by a young Goth couple who had been dabbling in Satanism. Although they did a lot of rituals in the home invoking demons and spirits, they were in over their heads and didn’t know how to close the portals they had opened or clear the entities they had invoked.

Whenever I work with a client who has been attacked psychically, I always check their house and family members too, as they often have been attacked too.

I recently worked with a business owner who was looking for help with his new premises. He had recently bought a shop, which had in the past, never seemed to thrive.

When I examined the building, there was a large portal in the back room through which entities were coming and going. I saw that in the past, a Satanic couple had owned the shop, and had used the back room for doing rituals with their group.

When the entities had been cleared and the portals closed and removed, my guides told me to use violet amethyst energy to purify the space and bring in some peace.

The shop has been open for a few months now, and is going from strength to strength.

Not all psychic disturbance comes from Satanic attacks. I recently worked with a lady who came to me as a last resort. She had sought help from psychics, shamanic practitioners and even a Catholic priest to help her, to no avail.

Her house, bedroom especially, was a hotbed of entity activity, with noises, touching, things getting moved and thrown and cold, clammy energy.

When I checked her house, there were many lower astral entities present and a couple of open portals, one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen.

What was interesting about this case was the cause behind it all. This client had over a hundred entities attached to her, all children. The reason became clear when I looked at her tenth chakra. This chakra tends to hold past life energy.

I saw her as a young Victorian woman living in Aachen in Germany. She came from a very wealthy family, but, like all wealthy young ladies of her day, her upbringing had been strict and rigid, with no opportunity for freedom.

She loved children and wanted to be a teacher, so had persuaded her father to give her the capital to build and run a school. Her school took in orphaned and disadvantaged children.

She absolutely adored her work, and loved her children even more. She devoted everything she had to helping them, and her pupils loved her in return.

Disaster struck, however, when a fire broke out and the school burned down. Very few escaped the blaze, and the young lady bravely went to her death vowing to help as many children as she could to escape.

The spirits of the children stayed with her after death, and even opened portals in her home to allow other spirits to come through and warm themselves in her light. Although these spirits meant well, they inadvertently made my client’s life a misery.

Another interesting case was a lady who initially came to me looking for help to remove attached entities. During her session, she told me about how she had ghosts in her house. She had recently moved house to get away from them, but they had followed her to her new property.

In spite of being annoying and inconvenient, they were fairly benign, and she was able to describe what they looked like and what they did.

When I investigated, I spoke to the spirits, and they explained that they wanted to go to the Light, but they were contracted to show my client that she had a soul mission to do entity release work, and that she should be the one to release them.

So how does it all work?

When a client contacts me looking for help with entities in the home, the first thing I do is investigate.

I have to be in meditation to do this, as I take my consciousness to the property (along with my guides). In meditation, my consciousness can examine the property, see and speak with the entities if necessary, and find portals and curses.

I will also check the client and their family for entity attachments and contracts at this point too.

This whole process can take anything up to about an hour. Sometimes the client prefers me to deal with everything I find in that one session, others prefer to hear what I have to report before they decide what to do.

In any case, the house clearing is always done remotely and never in person, but a client may prefer to have entity attachments removed from their body at an in person healing session.

To clear the house, the entities are taken to the Light and the portals closed and removed. Although I can do this with the help of my guides, I prefer to work with Archangel Michael and his Rescue Angels of Light.

Having cleared and worked with entities for a long time, including some very dark and powerful demonic energies, It is my opinion that there is Light in EVERY being, no matter how dark, and they should all be treated with respect, compassion and love.

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