This is a sister post to my ‘Soul Journeys’ post which you can read here.

As a lot of my healing is conducted on a multidimensional/quantum level, I thought I would write a post explaining further what that entails.

When people come to me for help, I can often intuitively decide what course of action will support them best by looking at the challenges and constrictions they are facing in their current Earthly incarnation. From there, I work with them to treat the issues coming up.

Something I have had success with recently is healing soul extensions. What is a soul extension?

Everyone has a large number of soul extensions in their multidimensional field. Each soul extension is a soul, like themselves, living/having lived/will live in the future many lifetimes.

As you yourself as a soul in your current incarnation have lived many lifetimes, so has each of your soul extensions.

You may have recurring blocks or challenges in your life that you cannot seem to overcome, no matter how hard you try. These blocks can come from a soul extension living a different life in a different time and place, but resonating with the same energetic difficulties.

I can do a soul journey with your Higher Self, taking you to a point of contact with the soul extension most in need of healing.

The process I use is this:

Along with your Higher Self and any other beings you feel would be helpful or appropriate (e.g. a guide, angels) I travel to a point of origin where we can witness the circumstances surrounding the soul extension’s troubles.

We are offered insights into the situation so that I can start seeing and feeling what is happening. Most soul extensions are in dire straits at this point, and we are moved through intense scenarios and emotions where it is often easy to identify the energies and emotions influencing the soul’s current lifetime.

I don’t ever ‘step in’ to the soul extension’s world, because I am there to assist and heal, not take on the energies myself.

When we have a good background to the situation, I surround the soul extension with a beautiful healing bubble. I choose the energy it needs intuitively: it might be pink and loving, crystalline, gold and empowering etc. If there are others involved and in trouble, I put a bigger bubble around the larger area.

Along with the client’s Higher Self, we connect to the soul extension through our heart and third eye chakras. Sending love, healing and support through the heart chakra and telepathically ‘coaching’ the soul extension through the third eye. I often speak out loud to it, with phrases like ‘we are here to help you’ and ‘you are loved’, among others as appropriate.

As well as loving energy, we send colours, healing frequencies, symbols etc. as we are intuitively guided.

As the healing progresses, the soul extension can visibly be seen to transform and ascend from its wretched circumstances. It may shimmer, grow bigger, shine brighter or grow wings.

Any lower frequency energies still in its field can be transmuted or burned away with violet flame energy.

As their own divine power ignites, their energy field may ripple or shimmer as they facilitate their own healing, and reach the understanding that they can now access higher timelines.

When the healing is complete, I seal the energy in, and the client’s Higher Self asks for a message from the soul extension before we leave and return to our own reality.

After a soul extension healing, the client may feel emotions or issues coming up to be dealt with in her own energy field.

The first time I did soul extension healing was on myself. I had been feeling trapped and powerless, not really wanting to interact with anyone. In spite of nothing being wrong that I could identify, I had a deep sense of despair.

My soul extension was a drug addicted homeless man in New York, present time. He had been in care all his young life, abused, and was then thrown on the street at sixteen, where he struggled to survive, and turned quickly to hard drugs.

When I first saw him, he looked like a bunch of rags, bundled up and emaciated in a doorway. I could see he was close to death. The empathy and connection I felt for him caused deep, heart-wrenching sobs to well up inside, and it was difficult to step back and remember I was there to assist, not to take his energies on.

The healing was emotional too. He went from being a poor shadow of a man to standing tall and straight in a new suit, well groomed and healthy, looking happy and fulfilled. He was free!

Karen, one of my regular clients, also had soul extension healing. She too was experiencing blocks in her daily life which had not responded to regular healing.

She had applied for literally hundreds of jobs, and in spite of being an excellent candidate hadn’t been offered a single one. She felt powerless, her self worth and self esteem were very low and she felt trapped in poverty with no means to get out. There were also issues with her spiritual development. She felt she had hit a roadblock with it.

When we journeyed to see the soul extension influencing things, I saw immediately why the energetics resonated.

She was a beautiful Arcturian female, trapped in sex slavery on Orion by Reptilians. She was in what looked like a prison cell in a space station on Orion, which looked like a large airport. There was a building housing many ‘prison cells’ which I quickly saw was a brothel.

All the females were Arcturian, and they were kept drugged to stop them using their powers to escape, and to keep them compliant. They were desperately unhappy and listless, and I saw that they all came from a ship that had been captured by the Reptilians years ago.

The poor soul extension had been here for many years.

For this healing, I included all the other females, and asked Arcturian angels to come and heal the others. When the healing was almost over, the prison doors all opened to release the prisoners, who were at last able to use their wings to fly out. There was an Arcturian ship waiting to take them home.

The drugging had not only blocked the soul extension’s spiritual gifts, it was blocking Karen’s as well. The energies of powerlessness and low self worth were also resonant with Karen’s current life.

Soul extension healing is done remotely without the client being present. It generally takes around an hour. If you would like to discuss it further, or book a session, my contact details are on my ‘Contact’ page.

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