Addiction is something most of us have to deal with over the course of our lives, either in ourselves or in people close to us.

Although the physical, emotional and psychological effects and mechanics of addiction are fairly well understood and documented, the spiritual side of things goes completely ignored by modern medicine. As a result, addiction treatment often meets with limited results.

We live in a world governed by energy, and healers and shamans in the past understood the Universal laws and how they worked: As above, so below; As within, so without; cause and effect; rhythm; polarity; exchange of energy (give and take).

Working with addictions in my hypnosis practice, I take clients back to the origin of the addiction, where we can see what emotions or events were occurring at the time and release them, but is this enough?

During my work with various clients recently, I made what I feel is a big breakthrough towards helping people heal from addiction.

I had a distance session with one of my regular clients( a smoker), and while scanning her throat, I detected a blockage. She often has a communication blockage at her throat, as she has problems expressing herself, particularly with the opposite sex. This had been causing problems with her partner, with misunderstandings and arguments over silly issues.

I removed the blockage, and realised there was something else. It was a hook, which was her smoking habit. I often find hooks in people’s chakras. They represent addictions and sometimes people who have a negative influence or hold over the client.

cigar cigarette smoke macro

After I removed the hook, I knew there was something else, and that ‘something else’ was a spirit attachment. When I tuned in, I knew it wasn’t human, so I asked it to move up to her head where I could speak to it.

It told me it was a tobacco spirit, and everyone who becomes a regular addicted smoker has one. The person subconsciously makes an agreement with the spirit to continue the habit, and in return, the spirit makes it very difficult for the smoker to quit!

The spirit told me that over the years it had damaged my client’s heart and lungs and affected her fertility. It had also caused the communication blockage in the throat, as well as burdening her with a hefty dose of shame and guilt.

It was happy, however, to leave and return to the Light, but before it went, I asked it to remove all its energy and correct all the damage that had been done to my client’s physical body.

When I checked her back, I found the contract between her and the tobacco spirit, and removed it. There was another hook in her root chakra and some karmic imprints related to smoking from past lives (more information about this in my KARMIC IMPRINTS AND KARMIC LOOPS blog).

Over the next few days of working with other clients, I released spirit attachments relating to gambling, sugar/junk food addiction, coffee and tobacco.

What was interesting was that I found tobacco spirits in two clients who were non-smokers! How could this be?

The spirits had stayed with the clients from past lives where they had smoked. Although the clients didn’t smoke in their current life, the spirits were affecting them through their ATTITUDE to smoking- one client despised smoking and smokers, while the other surrounded himself with friends who smoked, and actively encouraged them!

I was able to ask the spirits what they got out of the relationship, and in all cases, the answer was ‘power and control’. One spirit said it ‘liked to be needed’. The tobacco spirits in all cases I have dealt with so far have been malignant, the sugar and coffee ones much less so.

Shamanic practitioners teach that all spirits, including plant spirits, must be treated with respect, and in Native and Tribal ceremonies tobacco was often used to send prayers to the Great Spirit. Tobacco was also given as an offering to the Earth whenever a prayer was answered.

Is it the WAY tobacco and other substances are used in modern times that is causing addiction problems? I don’t know the answer to that one yet.

This is new territory for me, and there are many types of addiction that I haven’t worked with so far. I also need more feedback from my clients over a longer term to get a clearer picture of how effective the spirit release technique is. However, I am excited at the potential for really deep healing that this presents.

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