‘Twin Flames’ are described as two halves of the same soul. There is a deep soul connection, and to be able to be together, each twin flame activates a spiritual awakening in the other, mirroring dysfunctional behaviour in order to heal.

Although I have worked with clients in the past who were seeking guidance and help with twin flame issues, the idea has never really resonated with me, and I have always been sceptical about whether twin flames were even a ‘thing’.

My view changed when a good friend approached me for help. She had been seeing a man for just over six months, and it had been the most intense experience of her life. At the core of it was the familiarity he brought, and she often told me how ‘easy’ and ‘comfortable’ things were, contrasting with the joy and bliss they were both experiencing.

However, out of the blue, he announced he wanted space, and abruptly ended their relationship, leaving her bereft, grief-stricken and confused. She explained to me that she had never felt this way before: His reason for leaving was that he just didn’t feel he could reciprocate the intensity of the love she felt. Her grief was palpable.

She asked me for help with healing them both, and I explained that while I could not bypass the grieving process, I could assist them on their healing journey. The man agreed to come for a few sessions to see how it would go.

Over the course of the next few weeks, I did many energy healings, clearing blockages and stuck emotions, and replacing them with positive healing energy. I cut negative energy cords, retrieved soul fragments and cleared ancestral karma.

A major breakthrough to understanding came when I discovered a past life trauma in her fingers. I saw that she had been imprisoned and tortured with thumbscrews, then burned at the stake. The woman in that lifetime who had accused her of witchcraft was me! I had done it in a fit of jealous rage, thinking she was after my husband, but in reality she loved a man in the next village (her twin flame). After her death, the authorities called in everyone associated with her, including her twin flame. He panicked and fled, which was seen as an admission of guilt. He was captured, tortured and put to death in the same manner a few weeks later, as was I, so I got my come-uppance! Another grisly side to this story is that before being burnt at the stake, the victims were impaled on the same stake.

This made a lot of sense, because when I later did some healing on the twin flame, he had the same broken finger trauma and etheric stake still impaled.

My friend needed a lot of healing in her sacral area, where she was holding trauma from a previous abusive relationship. There were lots of little hooks, all attached to negative energy cords leading to the perpetrator. Many people who are unsuccessful in relationships carry baggage here, particularly guilt and shame. If it is not addressed it can cause physical and emotional problems.

The twin flame had built up thick walls within his heart chakra, and with his permission, I knocked them down and cleared the debris. The vulnerability he was protecting was grief and anger at his parents for divorcing when he was younger. The walls were to protect his heart, but they were also preventing him from feeling and expressing love fully.

After a week or so of almost daily healing sessions, my friend’s energy field was a lot clearer, there were fewer chakra blockages coming up, and she was a lot happier. I removed a dense cloud from her mental body, which was just depression and despair.

Then, I noticed something amazing. While scanning her body, I noticed that her Higher Heart chakra had opened and activated. The Thymus chakra facilitates spiritual growth and enhances our willingness to forgive and show compassion. Unlocking it corresponds to flinging open a window for the soul to work through in the material world. Wow!

Even more exciting was that her twin flame was experiencing the same activation!

One of the ‘upsides’ as well as one of the ‘downsides’ to having a twin flame is the deep soul connection. On the upside, you know what each other is thinking and feeling…and on the downside you know what each other is thinking and feeling! Shared dreams, wakefulness, agitation, yearning, can all be transmitted both ways through this connection, and it can’t be switched off at will. My friend has realised that she needed his inadequacies to show her where she has needed healing. Although her twin flame was also feeling much more balanced and happy, he still felt like he needed to escape from his strong feelings. We have got insights through past life traumas that this is not the first life he has run from her-there have been many lifetimes, and although they have shared wonderful times through their connection, they have yet to both be fully healed and aligned.

I believe that is where I come in. I owe them both a karmic debt, as in the witchcraft lifetime I was responsible for them both being tortured and murdered. The Universe, however, seems to know what it is doing. I can now step in and help them both to heal, hopefully to the point where they can get back together in complete alignment.

All rights reserved. This article has been copyrighted, and may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the author.


  1. Karen says:

    Really loved reading about something I’ve always ‘fantasised’ about, there being that perfect someone! At least now I know it’s a possibility! Would love to hear more about your journey with twin flames!

  2. Nahbila Sonia Thames says:

    Wow! What a great article. I loved all the insights into what “Twin flames” are all about. I met my twin flame in this lifetime & agree 100% with the depictions you gave..upside downside , you feel what the other person’s going through (good or bad). Even shared dreams, all true for me!! I can’t wait to read the next article. I will be contacting you soon Louise💞

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