For those new to energy work, it might be worth explaining the nature of energy in relation to the human field.

In the spiritual sense, Universal Energy (chi, prana, aether) is all around us and within us: Everything is energy. It connects all life- plants, animals, even rocks and crystals!


Our personal energy field is called the aura. Everyone’s aura is unique, made up of different layers and densities of energy. As your physical body is part of that aura, it is connected to the parts we cannot see, almost like ‘overlays’. Due to this connection, your thoughts, intentions and emotions (as well as those of others you come into contact with) can affect the balance and flow profoundly. Your overall health and wellbeing is reflected in the condition and density of your aura.


You have seven main chakras (or psychic energy centres) arranged at intervals down the centre line of your body.

Although these chakras cannot be ‘seen’, they correspond with endocrine glands and physical organs, and their function is to regulate and balance the flow of energy in your body.

Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are all directly linked to the health of your seven chakras, so clearing blockages and refining the energetic circulation can only improve general wellbeing.

For deep clearing and healing, visiting a good healer is recommended, but a lot of valuable work can- and should- be done ourselves. One benefit is that the more you work with your own energy, the more sensitive you will become to anything out of whack. Consciously tuning in to blockages will improve your ability to do this.

These are my favourite ways to clear and cleanse energy:

  • MEDITATION. YouTube is full of excellent meditations specifically for this purpose. If you find meditation a challenge, I suggest you start with short guided meditations and build up from there. If you can get into the habit of meditating for an hour a day, guided or not, you are doing well.
  • VISUALISATION. You can use visualisation techniques anywhere to cleanse and protect your energy, but it makes sense to me to use the flowing water of my morning shower as a tool. Close your eyes and visualise the water as white or golden light, washing anything negative from your energy field and filling you up with positive, high vibrational energies. You can surround yourself with a bubble of light any time you feel overwhelmed by other people’s energies, or just if you are feeling vulnerable or sensitive.
  • GROUNDING. Visualise thick roots growing down from the soles of your feet, down through the soil and rock to the crystalline core of the Earth. You can absorb Gaia’s beautiful, motherly energy this way. See a thick, golden white light cord shooting up from your crown and connecting with the Great Central Sun. Absorb the Unconditional Love of this Source Energy, and allow it to transmute anything in your energy field that doesn’t serve you.
  • HIGHER SELF AND GUIDES. You can ask your Higher Self and your Guides to clear your energy and raise your vibration.
  • CRYSTALS. Different crystals have energy clearing properties. Selenite is a good aura cleanser- to use it, stand up, and ‘brush’ your aura with it in broad sweeps head to toe. Shake off negative energy after each sweep. Kyanite is a powerful chakra balancing crystal. Place it on your heart chakra and set the intention that your chakras will be balanced and aligned.
  • SMUDGING. Burn incense or a smudge stick and pass the smoke around your body from head to toe. Smudging is a good way to clear negative energy from a house or room, particularly after arguments. Different herbs to try are sage, rosemary, lavender, palo santo wood or frankincense.
  • SOUND. Singing bowls, chanting or listening to Solfeggio Frequencies (YouTube) is not for everyone, but it is an interesting way to clear energy and raise your vibration. Give it a try!
  • QI GONG. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese technique promoting the movement of energy in the body. This is done by opening certain energy channels in the body, often using the breath.
  • GRATITUDE. The power of gratitude is amazing! Not only does it open you up to abundance, it can raise your vibration and dissipate negative energy. Try keeping a Gratitude Journal, listing 10-20 things each day you are truly grateful for.
  • SERVICE TO OTHERS. Nothing lifts your mood more than doing something nice for someone else, and even a small thing, like a phone call to an elderly relative, can fill you up with a warm, fuzzy feeling and dispel negative energy.
  • PERSONAL BOUNDARIES. Healthy boundaries make for cleaner energy, so don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ without guilt, ask for what you want or need, and don’t allow others to railroad you or guilt you into doing something you don’t feel right doing. If there are toxic people in your life who manipulate or bully you, cut them loose, or at least minimise the time you spend with them. It is your responsibility to protect your own energy.
  • POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. These are a nice way to start your day on the right foot, or give you something to focus on when you feel a bit wobbly. Boosting your mood also boosts the positive energy in your field.

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