Part one of this blog can be found here.

What is a twin flame relationship? Twin flames, in essence, are two broken souls that share the same elements, like two jigsaw puzzles that have been jumbled together, then the pieces split in two piles. Each pile becomes an individual soul, made up of elements of each.

Although the two souls are separate individuals, they feel the intangible ‘pull’ of their own soul parts within the other, and twin flame relationships are characterised by doomed love, trauma, chaos and heartbreak.

Twin flames hold up a mirror to each other, showing what needs to be addressed and healed, and the dynamic of ‘runner’ and ‘chaser’ usually plays out, with one twin running from the other while the other chases. Without help, it can be a massive task for twin flames to pick through their own behaviour, emotions and patterns, so finding a healer with experience (particularly healing past life issues) is usually the best way forward. Many twin flames never make it past the running and chasing stage, often giving up and cutting each other off completely, or surrendering to an uneasy ‘friendship’.

A perfect twin flame relationship is characterised by unconditional love. It’s the type of love spoken about in fairy tales, where the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine are in perfect harmony, and the Egos are not in control.

Following a few weeks of daily healing sessions with my friend Rachel and her twin flame Stuart, I was beginning to see how everything between them was connected, from the areas in their bodies that issues were coming up, to the emotions they were feeling and the past life relationships they had shared.

At the start of their healing journey, they both felt awful. Cold shivers, nausea, upset stomachs and headaches were typical. As I scanned their bodies remotely, I noticed the feelings were being ‘mirrored’. Rachel (the more perceptive of the two) eventually realised that shivers meant fear, nausea was anxiety, upset stomachs were anger and headaches were pain.

At that stage, I also picked up that their connection was blocked, so I unblocked it using energy. Although this helped make the emotions clearer, it magnified the physical symptoms, which was definitely not desirable! At the moment, they are both experimenting with ways to moderate the negative feelings and increase the positive ones, as well as improving telepathic abilities.

As with many of the issues that came up for healing, this one showed up first in Rachel, then the next day in Stuart. I found an etheric ‘wound’ in her left arm, which had been a sword cut from a past life as one of the Knights Templar.

When I dived in, I saw that Stuart was also a Templar Knight, and this was the first lifetime that his soul had shattered. He had been in a homosexual relationship with another knight, but when Rachel came on the scene, he felt that ‘pull’, so ended his relationship with his partner abruptly and unceremoniously. He began a relationship with Rachel, leaving his previous partner furious, jealous and hurt. His partner’s revenge was to report Rachel’s homosexuality, and then encourage Stuart to abandon him to his fate rather than speaking up for him. Thus he got his partner back, and Rachel was out of the picture.

Rachel admitted that she has always feared abandonment. She had got in with a bad crowd at school and her behaviour often had her mother threatening to put her into care or send her away. This had affected her deeply in her current life, and she could feel the fear of abandonment echoing from that past life long ago. As part of the healing process, she was able to talk to me at length about the feelings and emotions that were now coming up in relation to her past, and her relationship with her mother.

When I scanned Stuart the next day, I found an etheric wound in the exact same place on the left arm. There was also a lot of old guilt and shame coming up in his solar plexus, which was released and healed. I saw that the third knight in the triangle was his friend Callum, his business partner in this life. Rachel was wary of Callum: she felt he was overbearing and controlling with Stuart, and he gave off vibes that he definitely didn’t like her!

Rachel called me on the phone later that day. ‘You have to help me! I feel awful. My stomach feels like a washing machine!’. When I checked her solar plexus, it was full of rage and anxiety, but it wasn’t hers. The rage was coming from Stuart, who had found out that Callum had made a business decision that had lost them money without consulting him. He was, rightly, furious, and had confronted Callum that day.

The result was that Stuart decided to fold the business and start up again on his own. Callum, although still technically friends, had considerably less hold over Stuart than before.

When I checked on Stuart, I saw that one of his missing soul fragments was ready for retrieval. It was a huge piece, and after healing it, it was reintegrated back into his soul.

Everything is connected, and through my journey as a healer, I can see more and more pieces of the puzzle beginning to fit in place.

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