The concept of soul loss and retrieval has been an integral part of shamanic practice for millenia, but in today’s modern world, it is slowly being recognised as an important step in the process of healing.

“Circumventing the definition debate, my subjective perspective and vision of the soul, or life force, is of a biogeometric structure that contains our memories, our emotions and our experiences from the very beginning in the physical world, the moment of our conception. I usually describe the soul using the metaphor of a three-dimensional tapestry with a geometric structure consisting of threads, fibres and filaments. Each thread is a discrete element, a story or experience that stretches back in time. In the process of soul retrieval, you are bringing all these threads of life force back into your being. In addition, these threads form part of a larger geometric structure that includes our parents and our personal ancestry, which also stretches back in time and is part of a larger, more encompassing biogeometric structure, and I refer to this as planet Earth, and by extension, the universe.” Howard G. Charing


Soul loss happens during trauma, when a piece or pieces of the life force ‘fracture’ from the whole. Those pieces then take themselves away somewhere safe. The person experiencing the trauma will feel dissociated, protecting them from the trauma. It’s a survival mechanism. The problems occur when we don’t get the soul fragments back.

Trauma is a very subjective thing: what one person regards as trauma is not necessarily what others would see. Some of the common triggers for soul fragmentation are as follows:

  • Loss of a loved one, either through death, divorce or split.
  • Physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse.
  • Neglect or abuse during childhood.
  • Accident or illness.
  • Combat stress.
  • Betrayal.

One of the most normal reactions to grief following the loss of a loved one is the feeling of being ‘dead inside’. This is often an indication of soul fragmentation.

What I have observed time and time again is that soul fragments will often ‘stick’ to the person the trauma is related to, and it can often happen in a past life. One of my clients recently was having huge problems in his relationship with his father, which related back to a past life where his father had abused him terribly. When the two soul fragments were retrieved from his dad and reintegrated back into his soul, the dynamics of the relationship improved tremendously.


  • Feeling ‘spaced out’, not present, or like an outsider viewing your life like a movie.
  • Chronic addiction to either drugs, alcohol, sex, food etc.
  • Periods of depression and/or anxiety.
  • General emotional numbness.
  • You don’t feel in control of yourself.
  • You feel stuck, or unable to deal with and overcome certain issues in your life.
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to trust people.
  • Missing memories, or memories blocked out.
  • Tiredness, weakness and fatigue.
  • Dogmatic beliefs, and an unwillingness to listen to others’ points of view.
  • You don’t feel in control of yourself.


My advice would be to seek advice from a healer first, but should you choose to work on it yourself, there are a number of guided meditations on YouTube that might help. The more fractured your soul is, the more intensely you will likely feel the symptoms listed above, and in that case seeing a healer is more important.

In my experience, the most shattered soul I worked with took months of healing before he was whole again. Soul fragments were ‘stuck’ to several different people in his life, and all of them traced back to several different-but entwined-past lives. It was like unpicking knots in thread.  On top of that, during one lifetime (as a high level Satanist) he had sold his soul to Satan. For that particular soul fragment I needed the help of the angels to retrieve it!

The reason it took so long (as well as there being many fragments to retrieve) is because things do not all appear at once to be healed. They come up when the time is right to heal and release them. I can be doing healing work on you for months, then suddenly something huge appears from out of nowhere because it’s ready to be healed and released.

photo of shattered mirror near ladder


How will I feel after a soul retrieval?

Experiences vary, but many people say they feel more whole, or more present. Some experience a feeling of lightness, or awakened senses. If they felt unwell or exhausted before, they might feel more strength, energy and power after the session.

It is worth noting that sometimes people can feel a bit disorientated for a few days. This is a good sign. If you have been dissociated from your body for many years and suddenly that changes, it can be a bit like sitting down then standing up suddenly.

People can feel a bit dizzy or tearful, particularly if a memory of the trauma comes back. Often, a sense of peace is felt.

Sometimes the effects are delayed for a couple of weeks, or emotions are heightened for a while. Everyone is different.

Souls wander the universe

Lost or stolen

Cut off from loved ones

Split off from love

Gently, carefully

We call them back to us

Searching for them in dark corners

Blowing them to life

with our breath

We welcome

them home

-Ellen Jaffe Bitz

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