adult alone anxious black and white

As a healer who has worked extensively with twin flame couples, I felt compelled to write this post with my own perspective on twin flame healing.

Twin flames, by their very nature, are very broken people. I’m going to use the analogy of souls being like jigsaw puzzles- one whole soul is like a complete jigsaw.

What happens with twin flames, is that something happens to cause both souls to shatter, usually some sort of trauma. Picture two jigsaw puzzles, both broken up and the pieces of each others’ souls mixed up.

When they incarnate on earth, their souls look complete, but they are made up of mixed up parts of each other. This is where the ‘pull’ comes from- each soul is feeling bits of itself calling from someone else.

This also accounts for the ‘mirroring’ behaviour in TF couples- one desires the soul part he or she lacks. To explain, one twin may be very confident and outgoing. He or she is like this because they have not only their own ‘confidence’ soul part, but their partner’s as well. The partner lacks the confidence fragment, so they may lack self confidence.

The most important part of healing twin flames in my opinion is returning the correct soul fragments to the correct soul, and unfortunately, this is not something that can be done in one session. The reason for that is that each soul fragment usually relates to a particular trauma, and these traumas may span many past lives. Each trauma has to be acknowledged and healed before the fragment(s) can be returned.

I recently worked on a twin flame couple where soul fragments from him were stuck to four other people, so the relationships, traumas and healing had to be done over time, a bit like unpicking a knot!

The goal is to return each soul to wholeness.

With twin flames, there is always a connection in the form of a cord that goes heart-heart. This cord is often blocked, which can cause buildups of toxic, negative emotions. When unblocked, you can feel each other’s emotions, good and bad, and the bad news is that your TF’s emotions can make you feel physically unwell, until you learn how to filter them.

As I found out working with a lady whose twin flame had passed over, the connection remains, and she could feel him and his emotions through this connection even when he was no longer there.

Twin flames often share past life traumas which affect how they both deal with their current life. For example, one couple had been poor peasants in a past life who, at the age of 15, had a baby. Although very poor, they had loved this baby until it died in a cot death. Both took it extremely hard, and took vows never to be parents again to avoid the pain.

When this couple came to me for healing, he was impotent and she had serious endometriosis. Both these conditions stemmed from their vow made lifetimes ago. When this was removed and healed, they could move on with their plans to have a family.

I read a lot of BS about healing twin flames, and one of the worst misconceptions is that if you heal yourself, your twin will magically heal too. That, in my experience, is rubbish. Both parties need to be involved and responsible for their own healing and development. There is no ‘quick fix’.

person holding white jigsaw puzzle piece

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