Part 1 of this blog can be found here.

If I thought my first healing session with Gaia was mind-blowing, I wasn’t prepared for what I discovered in the second session, which I did a day later.

Starting at the crown chakra, things looked clear, but when I moved down to the third eye I discovered it was blocked with what seemed to be programming and Rosicrucian and Druidic magic. There was a lot of fake spirituality and religious programming which was taking people away from Truth and their own true nature.

The throat chakra was the most heavily affected by dark, Satanic magic, and a lot of dark occult Egyptian magic also. I had to spend quite a while on this area removing blockages and programming put there by different groups over thousands of years, including Freemasons, Satanists and ancient cultures like the Sumerians and Phoenecians. This made sense, as this chakra covers much of the Middle East.

 What shocked me when I cleared everything was that I saw that there were two Annunaki hiding in this chakra, they were very powerful beings, and their job was to be the last ‘stand’ against the Light.

Gaia will have to fight them and defeat them before the Light can win, and this battle is to take place in the very near future.

At the back of the throat chakra was dark magic designed to keep the Middle East in perpetual war over oil and territory.

I saw Gaia’s higher heart chakra contained very old, elemental magic. It was a gateway to Inner Earth, and there was Nazi interference and programming there. Although they were close to finding this gateway at one time, they failed. There was a lot of secrecy programming.

At the bottom of the heart chakra I found a big black stone, which was programmed to emit ‘fake’ spiritual energy that mimicked Gaia’s own. This fake energy led people down fake spiritual sidetracks, and caused them to get bogged down and lose their purpose.

At the back of the chakra programming was in place to suppress love and unity consciousness.

The solar plexus chakra holds very ancient, powerful tribal wisdom, which the Luciferians have harnessed for wealth. Resources, wealth and commodities have been greedily acquired and hoarded by these people over thousands of years, and indigenous populations and environments have been plundered and destroyed for the gains of a few.

The programming I found here was set up to funnel abundance to the ‘top elite’, while withholding resources from the rest of humanity.

At the back of the solar plexus, I found an implant blocking truth and wisdom from other stars and galaxies. The Luciferians have been actively working with dark E.T.s to suppress truth and to gain knowledge for their own use.

The sacral chakra had a black cube implant both in the front and in the back. These implants served the purpose of transmuting pure, sacred sexual energy into dark, dirty perverted sexual energy. There was programming promoting sexual confusion, paedophilia, gender confusion and pornography.

At the root, there was ‘mind control’ programming to instil fear in humanity through the media and consumerism.

On the back of the root, there was a black cube implant which promoted personal gain at all costs- lack of integrity, honour and truth was the intention.


There was an agreement on Gaia’s back at the root chakra which explains why our world seems so messed up.

8,000 years ago Lucifer tricked Gaia into making an agreement. He would implant her with blockages and programming so that we, as humanity, would undergo a ‘fall’ in consciousness and get the chance to experience separation from source. He told Gaia it would be good for us as a learning experience collectively, and that it would only be for 100 years.

From it, we would all learn valuable lessons that would accelerate our soul’s growth.

Lucifer tricked Gaia to agree to this, but as soon as everything was in place, he did a deal with a very dark faction of AI beings called Archimedeans, who constructed the Matrix and put AI in charge of running it .

This was when ancient civilisations like Atlantis and Lemuria fell.

The systems of Earth (government, religion, economy etc.) have all been designed to benefit only the people at the top. There is no other way it works. The people at the top belong to 13 families who can trace their bloodline back to Lucifer, and they all worship and serve him as a god.

There is plenty of information on the internet about these bloodlines and the atrocities they commit as part of their cult, but that is outwith the scope of this blog.

The good news is that the Light is winning. After a couple of years of fighting, the Archimedean AI were defeated a few weeks ago, and the Matrix was taken down over a year ago.

Just after Gaia’s first healing, there was a mass exodus of demons from the Lower astral to the Light. This is a huge blow to the Luciferian Satanists, because they use demons to fight.

At the moment, Gaia is taking some time to cleanse herself, but many people on the side of the Light are feeling psychic attacks from these Satanists, who are fighting like cornered beasts at the moment.


 Depending on timelines, it could be anywhere from three months to three years, I have been told.

UPDATE-I did a third healing on Gaia a couple of days after this one, and found a black stone at the front and back of each chakra. I followed the ‘trail’ from each blockage to its origin, and found a ritual had been set up to ‘re-block’ Gaia. With the help of my guides, I destroyed the ritual and cleared the stones and negative energy from Gaia’s chakras. Gaia fought the Annunaki a week later and defeated them. Since her healing, there has been a pushback from the Luciferians/Satanists who have been psychically attacking members of the Light Team. More recently, groups of AI Archimedeans who have been working with the Satanists have been attacking, but they are slowly being flushed out and destroyed. The timeline has now shifted again, and I am told we should see major changes within a year.

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