Although entity and spirit release is a big part of my work, I recently dealt with five clients in a week who required demonic entities released. This was highly unusual, as I generally only see maybe a couple of clients in a month who are affected by these particular entities.

Just to clarify, demonic entities are what many people call ’demons’, and they are beings with very dark and evil agendas. Spirit attachments range from earthbound spirits (people who have died, but remain here rather than going to the Light), elemental beings and addiction spirits. See my blog about spirit attachments here for more information.

Releasing spirit attachments is fairly straightforward, but demonic entities usually work in teams and have networks and hierarchies all targeting specific groups of people (like healers, children or racist/religious groups to name but a few), so they can be more tricky to deal with. Each network generally has an assignment, for example, to make healers doubt their abilities.

The demonic entities cannot be forced out of a person, they have to be convinced to leave of their own free will, which requires help from the Angelic Realms and a lot of persuasion!

After the Angels have secured the demon in an inescapable pod, I am able to talk to it. I allow the demon to speak using my voice, but it is not permitted to enter my body or energy field.

To be taken to their appointed places in the Light, the demons have to find and expand their own spark of light inside themselves, and it can take time to persuade them that the light will not harm them.

Once this is done, the demon can be asked questions about its mission, its interest in the client and its network of subordinates, peers and superiors.

It is then asked to call its subordinates, followed by those of equal rank and finally its superiors. Each of these demons in turn, up to the very highest, has to be encapsulated in a pod of light and instructed to expand its own spark of light. Once this is done, the Rescue Angels can take them to the Light. The positive thing about this process is that many thousands of dark entities can be helped at one sitting, as well as the client.

 So why was I seeing so many cases in this one particular week?

At least three out of the five clients were twin flames. One of them was Stuart, a friend whose story you can read in my ‘TWIN FLAME LOVE-HEALING TWIN FLAMES PARTS 1-7’ starting here. The other two clients were newly awakening, and the demons attached to them were in networks attacking the clients’ families.

I had spoken earlier in the day to Rachel, Stuart’s twin flame partner. She was uncharacteristically angry with Stuart because he was behaving really childishly, something she hadn’t seen before with him. ‘He’s driving me mad! She said. It’s almost as if he was trying to provoke an argument!’ The couple had argued, and Rachel had stormed out in a rage.

Stuart called later, completely at a loss with what had happened. I offered to check him over, and found six demonic entities in his body, all with a sinister assignment.

As frequencies and awareness rise across the third dimension, the demons explained to me that they had been tasked with targeting twin flames, particularly those twin flames who were healed or almost healed.

Those twin flames were particularly powerful messengers for the Light, and they had gifts which would be extremely important in the coming Ascension. The gifts were activated when the twin flame couples healed, and a proper union was achieved.

The demons recognised this threat, and had been given the job of interfering with the process and stopping it in its tracks.

Twin flames who were unhealed or in the early process of healing were still targeted, but to a much lesser extent.

Many thousands of demons were released to the Light during Stuart’s session, and he reported feeling much calmer and more positive afterwards.

The next day, when I checked in with him, there were more demons attached. They all told me the same story about their mission. Twin flames were the target! The demons also told me that Rachel and Stuart were special: their purpose was hugely important to the Light.

When Rachel heard this, she asked for a session, but there were no attachments. What I did find were many cords attached to demons in each of her chakras, and round her ankles and feet. These cords were removed and released, but when I turned her over to check her back, they were straight back on!

I asked Archangel Michael for help in securing the demons, and he worked with the Rescue Angels to gather them and release them to the light.

In spite of this, the following day when I checked Rachel, there were more cords. Again, these were removed and released, and the demons dealt with. I asked Archangel Michael to work with Rachel’s Higher Self to protect her from further attacks.

When I checked with her Higher Self the next day, she told me there had been many (fortunately unsuccessful) attacks since her session the previous day.

Stuart has also been given help with protection, and has suffered no more attacks.

If you would like help with healing, entity release or twin flame issues, I can be contacted through my website.

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