Trying to explain to someone what I ‘do’ during my healing sessions is something I often find difficult, because they encompass so much.

I have labelled it as ‘intuitive energy healing’, but that doesn’t really cover half of it!

I can cover entity release, soul retrieval, trauma healing, emotional blockage release, chakra balancing, past life healing and addiction healing all in one session, so finding a name for what I do is tricky!

If you are thinking of booking a session, this is the general process I go through with each client, followed by some more specific services I can offer.

Sessions are generally conducted through Zoom or Messenger, and you will be able to see me working on your energy as the session progresses. I will tell you what is coming up as I’m working and you can ask questions at any time.

Firstly, I scan your energy body with my hands, starting with the chakras above your head. I am looking for blockages, which may be any of the following:

  • Emotional blockages
  • Cords and threads leading to a person/trauma/issue from either a past life or current life.
  • Limiting beliefs/emotions
  • Hooks, either from addictions or toxic people in your life
  • Implants, either from AI or ETs. These are unusual, but I still find them. Often the person has entered into a contract with such a group, often unwittingly. The contract (found on the client’s back) must be removed along with the implants.

I can explain what these blockages are, where they come from and then remove them.

Other blockages I find are typically a foot or so above each chakra, and these include

  • Trauma bubbles, where a ‘wounded self’ is trapped at the age the trauma happened. Along with the wounded self, emotions surrounding the trauma are trapped, looping around until the wounded self is released, healed and reintegrated.
  • Relationship blocks, which often contain suppressed memories and emotions to do with relationships. These are released and healed, or removed if appropriate.
  • Boundary blocks, where the clients’ boundaries at one time were violated. Again, these blocks usually contain a memory or emotion relating to the violation. These are released and healed.
  • Creativity blocks, which affect the client’s ability to work or think creatively. Again, these can be released and healed.
  • Energy vortexes, which either drain the client’s energy or funnel negative energy in, usually from another person. These are removed.
  • Deflection discs, which are large, round and flat structures that deflect energy away from the client. These discs influence how other people treat the client. The effect of a deflection disc depends on which chakra it covers, for example, over the heart would deflect love away from the client; over the solar plexus it would deflect respect from other people, etc.
  • Curses. It sounds dramatic, but there are nasty people out there dabbling in dark magic that sometimes curse others for various reasons. Often the curse is one made in a past life. I have seen a few curses carried over from past lives which are still potent in their effects, even hundreds of years on.
  • Negative ancestral behaviour patterns. These often show up near the feet and appear as a large mass of dense energy. Negative family behaviour patterns, like alcoholism or violence can usually be attributed to these.

After scanning the chakras, I check the physical body by passing my hands over it, looking for blocked energy. Physical problems and health issues usually show up here, as do past life traumas.

Past life traumas that show up generally link back to cords or emotional blockages released earlier in the session. Often they connect with a person in the current life that the client has a problem with, or a connection to. Once this connection is understood, I can begin to heal the issue. Occasionally the same past life will show up in subsequent sessions if there is more to unravel and clear.

An interesting aspect of the past life work is that sometimes if a past life was particularly impactful, or the character was a strong personality either good or bad, the past life personality can remain as a spirit attachment. This can give the client some of the behavioural traits of the past life personality, e.g. a bully, submissive, impatient etc.

When the spirit attachment is released, so is the behavioural trait!

Following the physical scan, I repeat the process on the back of the body.

I next check the client’s back for any soul contracts, vows or agreements that are ready to be released. Often if a past life has come up during the session, there will be a related soul contract coming up for release. I communicate intuitively with the client’s Higher Self to check if it is appropriate to remove contracts and agreements-Usually if they relate to a past life it is fine, but anything still impacting the client’s current life has to stay and play out.

The next step is soul retrieval: Not everyone will need soul retrieval every session, but many people do. Any soul parts that have fragmented and left the body due to trauma will be cleansed, healed and reintegrated back into the soul.

Following this, I do a DNA healing. This is necessary after soul retrieval, but is also important to heal any damage to the DNA (ordinary and multidimensional).

If the client wishes, I can do ancestral line clearing next, to heal and clear any generational wounds or ancestral trauma being passed down the family line from either the mother or the father’s side.

I check the body for bacteria, viruses and fungi, and heal and clear if necessary.

The final step is healing and realigning the layers of the energy field. Often trauma causes rips, tears and holes in the relevant layer, and layers can get a bit muddled. I heal and clear each layer (physical, etheric, emotional, relational, mental, psychological, causal, astral, spiritual, celestial) This is especially important for empaths and people with weak boundaries.

Sometimes the client’s Higher Self intimates that some sort of activation is required (usually third eye opening or other chakra activation). I usually leave this to the Higher Self, unless it specifically requests assistance, but that is unusual.

That covers ‘a typical session’.

Other services I can provide are:

  • Entity and spirit release
  • Addiction healing- Involves removing hooks, addiction spirits, contracts and clearing the addiction from EVERY LAYER of the energy field.
  • Psychic/ Satanic attacks- Sadly more common than people think. Often involve implants, curses, demonic entity attachment and negative influences on the home/ family/ workplace.
  • Twin flame healing

For more information on any of these services, I give details in each of my blog posts with examples of different client experiences. They give a general flavour of what can be expected. Obviously every client and every session is different, and I never know what to expect from session to session!

If you would like to discuss anything further or to book a session, I can be contacted through my website.

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