Although dealing with entities is part and parcel of the work that I do, the entities that I usually deal with are attached to people as spirit attachments.

One of my regular clients, Kath, is a gifted channeller, and often receives downloads and messages from her guides and other entities during meditation and dreams. Recently Kath had noticed that although her psychic abilities had increased, she was getting interference during meditation and dreams from a female entity who seemed very angry.

This female was adept at disguising herself as other beings, only to reveal herself at the latter stages of the dream or message. Kath was perplexed, as she felt a lot of anger in her body that didn’t seem to be hers, and she was getting confused at the messages being relayed during her meditations and dreams. She knew that this woman was interfering in a negative way.

‘I don’t know who she is, but she seems to be interfering with messages and downloads that I receive’ she said.

I decided during our session to investigate. I asked my Higher Self to contact this woman, and see if she would be prepared to speak through me to let her feelings be known. I usually channel spirit attachments and entities, allowing them to speak through me, but I have never channelled a non-attached entity before.

She was happy to do so, so I asked Kath if there was anything she wanted me to say to her or ask her. She wanted to know who she was, why she was interfering, and why she was so angry. She also asked if she would stop interfering in her dreams and meditations.

The woman’s name was Janet, and she was Kath’s grandmother. She was frustrated that Kath wasn’t in contact with her mother and trying to help her, but Kath explained that their relationship was-and had always been-toxic, with Mum trying to control Kath’s life (and her children). Janet got angry over Kath not listening to her- all she wanted was for Kath to do what Janet wanted.

I explained that Kath was a sovereign human being with her own purpose and life path, and it was not Janet’s business to interfere with that. I told her that if she wanted to help Kath’s mother that she would be better to put her focus and energy into that. She reluctantly agreed to leave Kath alone and left.

During Kath’s session, I found transferred anger belonging to Janet in Kath’s heart chakra and third eye chakra.

Some of this anger connected back to Janet through tiny threads in Kath’s throat and heart chakras. There was a thick cord at the back of the heart chakra connecting to Janet in a past life.

I saw Janet was Kath’s mother in this life-1816 was the year that sprang to mind. I saw the two of them, mother and daughter, exquisitely dressed in the latest fashion. They both wore bonnets and had ringlets either side of their heads. Kath was wearing a beautiful red bonnet and matching wool cloak, her mother’s was pale mint green.

Her father had died when Kath was an infant, leaving Janet in complete control. She was a wealthy widow with a large, comfortable house and many servants.

Poor Kath was completely under her mother’s thumb. She saw no-one, spoke to no-one and was not allowed to go anywhere unaccompanied. Her only outing was to church on a Sunday morning with her mother. She was even forbidden from speaking to the servants.

At the back of Kath’s third eye chakra was interference in her life purpose from Janet, which was blocking her from receiving reliable information through her channelling and dreams.

Once this was all cleared, I checked around Kath’s feet and found a large mass of negative familial energy. I usually find this where a negative behaviour pattern runs in a family, (for example alcoholism or violence), and Kath confirmed that controlling women ran in her family.

I cleared the energy, and asked her to call on Archangel Michael for protection and help should Janet start interfering again.

With any unwanted negative interference, your Higher Self is your first line of defence; your ‘gatekeeper’ or filter. However, you have to ask your Higher Self to do the job of gatekeeping and filtering. Make it clear that you only want positive beings of Light who are working for your highest and best good to have access to you.

How do you know if a being is positive or negative? They can often disguise themselves and their true intentions.

This is true, and something to be very aware of if you are channelling information or communicating with other beings.

There are three different methods I use to check their authenticity:

  • Light them up with a really bright, high frequency light. Lower beings will not be able to hold their disguise for long!
  • Use your Higher Self and your Guides to filter negative entities, asking them to only allow the highest frequency beings with your highest and best good at heart through to you.
  • Connect with Source, or the Divine Spirit, and ask for it to filter out negative entities, and that only the highest and best good come of your contact.

As I am often channelling attached entities, I connect to Source before each session and ask not only for this Divine filter, but also the highest and best outcome for both my client and myself.

I feel that there is going to be more coming up for healing with regards not only to her connection to Janet, but also with her mother for Kath, especially with the past life connections.

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