Many people turn to alternative healing methods when they have exhausted every other possible option and allopathic medicine has failed them.

Lisa was one such client, and she had contacted me after a friend (herself an ex-cancer sufferer) gave her a recommendation.

Lisa had been diagnosed with a particularly aggressive type of breast cancer, and had been told by her oncologist that surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were her only option, but the prognosis was not good. Lisa’s father and brother were also doctors, and they were both putting pressure on her to go down the allopathic route.

In spite of this, something inside Lisa was telling her to explore other options.

Although I have only worked with a few cancer sufferers, I was beginning to see a definite pattern of suppressed emotions, generally stemming from childhood or even past lives.

On the surface, Lisa was a perfect example of a young working mum- she had a good job as a bank manager, a loving, supportive husband and two lovely little girls.

When I began to check her chakras though, things were not good emotionally. There was a lot of resentment and feelings of being ‘out of control’ in her 10th chakra, and I saw this stemmed from her actual birth, where she was premature.

There was a cord to her mother in her 3rd eye chakra, which showed mum controlling her and suppressing her life purpose, something she had been doing all her life.

At this point, I connected to Lisa’s Higher Self, who told me that Lisa had agreed to have cancer this lifetime to overcome her fear of standing up for herself. She would be under enormous pressure to submit to standard cancer treatment, but she would be able to heal it herself if she tried alternative methods and stood up to others. The key message here was ‘empowerment’, and her Higher Self wanted Lisa to face up to (and deal with) uncomfortable emotions relating to her childhood, upbringing and mum in particular.

This resonated deeply with Lisa, who told me her parents had controlled her every move as a child. This was evident in her heart chakra, where I found trauma bubbles and threads to her childhood showing that she was only allowed to express emotion if it was ‘pleasant’. There was an enormous amount of anger and resentment here, which took me a while to clear.

Her throat chakra was blocked and constricted, because throughout her life she had not been allowed to express herself. I saw that she had missed out on the whole exploration, rebellion and self expression phase of adolescence due to this.

We did some ‘inner teenager’ work on this at a subsequent session, because it did seem to be a recurring theme.

Lisa’s solar plexus chakra was full of emotions and issues around her own self love and self worth. She explained that she was a classic people pleaser, pandering to others at the expense of herself. There were also issues around setting and adhering to boundaries, which were consistently trampled upon because she feared rejection.

Her root chakra confirmed her lack of boundaries: She was all over the place! In spite of her perfect façade, she had insecurities and fears around her illness. I saw there was another cord to mum, who was very inconsistent in her communication with Lisa. This cord was sucking at her energy and leaving her feeling ungrounded.

There were also cords round her ankles which connected to mum. I find these quite often in people, and they tend to indicate a karmic connection with the other person. If I remove them without addressing the issue connecting the two, they will just come back. It is always the more dominant and controlling person who connects to the other using these cords.

photo of a man sitting under the tree

At subsequent sessions, past lives were coming up that explained Lisa’s reluctance to deal with certain emotions, and also her relationship with mum.

She had been a young, wealthy Victorian girl who had slept with a stable boy and got pregnant. To avoid dealing with her family, the shame and the stigma, she drowned herself. Her mother had been the stable boy in that life.

There were another two lives she had lived with her mother. One took place in the 1700s, where her and her mum lived in poverty. In the ultimate act of self-sacrifice, she had to look after her alcoholic mother, foregoing her own chances of happiness. In another life (Middle Ages) she was a young girl who lived a miserable life battered by her brute of a husband (mum).

Lisa saw the dynamic, and realised how it was playing out again in this lifetime. I explained that when we agree to learn a lesson, every time we fail the lesson repeats, getting harder each time. I found multiple karmic imprints related to dominance/submission in the relationship with mum. It seems to be a common relationship dynamic, and often the two souls get comfortable in their roles as either dominant/submissive, and repeat them in subsequent lifetimes. The more they are repeated, the harder they are to break out of.

A day or two before Lisa’s next scheduled session, I got a frantic phone call from her. She had just got out of hospital, where she had been taken the night before. She had woken during the night with excruciating pain in her back and side. She couldn’t lie down, she couldn’t stand up and sitting did nothing to relieve it. The mystified doctors could not find anything physically wrong with her, so they gave her painkillers and sent her home.

When I checked her, there was an etheric pike (like a polearm, but with a hooked, spiky bit at the top) lodged in her side. This was a past life wound, but I couldn’t see the life it had come from. Her Higher Self told me it wasn’t important. The pain from the past life injury had been brought up as part of her karmic ‘empowerment’ lesson. Her Higher Self wanted her to surrender, trust others and allow them to care for her.

The pains in her back and side, her Higher Self explained, were ‘teaching points’ from her Team in Spirit, with the message to confront her fears and uncomfortable emotions. Although she was doing that in her sessions with me, a lot more work was needed.

Working with Lisa’s DNA, I saw there were patterns specifically needing work. These were:

*to be true to herself


*Fear of abandonment/rejection.

Lisa acknowledged this, and we talked about boundary setting, standing up for yourself and ways she could feel empowered.

What of Lisa’s physical cancer? Each session (and every day during the time I worked with her) I did some energy work on Lisa’s breast. As her thymus gland was physically depleted, I used red energy each session to invigorate the organ. The problem with the thymus related to Lisa’s lack of forgiveness to herself. She tended to be very hard on herself and beat herself up if she felt she had messed up.

After a number of sessions however, Lisa took her dad’s advice as a doctor and decided to follow the chemotherapy route. I haven’t heard how she is getting on, but I hope she is still healing and doing well.

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