The more healing work I do with people, the more I see how we are affected by our entire ancestral lineage, and not just our parents and grandparents.

Our belief systems or programs, culture, attitudes and chemical biology all get passed down through the family line.

‘Epigenetics is the study of the factors that turn the DNA in genes on and off, but don’t alter the DNA sequence. This is called a change in phenotype without a change in genotype.

The non-coding genes, called the epigenome, are actually made from a complex chemical soup. These chemical compounds can attach to the genes and regulate their activity. These modifications remain attached as the genes divide, causing changes for up to fourteen generations and potentially leading to problems.

A sampling of such problems includes degenerative conditions, behavioural abnormalities and metabolic disorders, as well as cancer, learning issues, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular dysfunctions, respiratory diseases and psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and even schizophrenia.’ [Hurley, ‘Grandma’s Experiences Leaves a Mark on Your Genes’, and Weinhold, ‘Epigenetics’.]

If there is a genetic propensity in your family for heart disease, thanks to your DNA, you will have an increased risk of heart problems.

Other traits and issues seem to be passed down family lines also, for example alcoholism and even abuse.

I usually find ancestral issues in the earth star chakra, around 30cm below my client’s feet. Often tribal trauma shows up here as well.

Usually in clients with ancestral issues or dysfunctional family situations there will be a mass of thick, dark energy around the feet. This energy almost seems to function like a web-for example, if there are addiction issues in the client’s ancestry, he or she will find it very difficult to extricate themselves from that energy, and will usually get sucked back in to the negative familial behaviour patterns.

Ancestral connections through trauma are also hugely influential in a client’s experience.

I worked with an Australian client over many sessions who had deep anger issues. He had grown up feeling unloved in an adoptive family, and initially felt that his childhood was the cause of his anger.

When I dived deeper, it came to light that he was carrying the burden of his Aboriginal ancestors’ trauma, and his earth star chakra was full of pain and anguish at the atrocities his people had suffered.

His Higher Self told me that connecting to his tribal roots , particularly an Aboriginal shaman or Elders, would help with his healing, and he was encouraged to reconnect with nature and the land.

During one particular session, he asked for me to look at his legs and feet. He had been suffering from itching and irritation on his feet and lower legs for as long as he could remember, and nothing seemed to work to get rid of it.

When I tuned into the area, I was transported to a past life. He was an old, Aboriginal man running through burning bush with his son. The air was thick with smoke and there were white farmers on horseback with shotguns shooting at them.

I saw that shockingly, this had happened only a few decades before. The farmers wanted the Aboriginal land and decided that shooting the tribe would solve the problem. I also saw that my client had died in that life, then jumped straight into his present life with no time ‘between lives’ in Spirit to process what had happened, or to get any healing.

The fire was the cause of the itching and discomfort in his legs. I also removed the etheric gunshot that had killed him. After the legs had been cleared of the traumatic energy, I jumped back on the timeline to heal them fully.

Sometimes just understanding where the issue stems from is enough to allow the emotional ‘charge’ to be released, but often it takes a few sessions to work through layers of emotions and clear the root cause.

Another client came to me with severe lactose intolerance, and when I checked her earth star chakra I found ancestral trauma around her being a mother, and also that her own mother had suffered from post-natal depression which prevented a bond forming between her and my client.

The client’s mother had felt a great deal of resentment towards her baby, which was conveyed to the child. Subconsciously, my client equated milk with rejection and hostility.

Her own motherhood traumas stemmed from past lives where she had lost babies to stillbirth and cot death, and also a Victorian life where poverty forced her to hand her starving baby in to the workhouse. There was a lot of guilt and shame to be released, endometriosis and sacral chakra trauma around abandonment.

For a generic ancestral line clearing, I work with the client’s Higher Self to send waves of golden healing light down the mother and father’s ancestral lines. It is also important to send this healing energy into future timelines and to children in the family who have not yet been born.

This ancestral clearing work is always done in tandem with DNA healing (both physical and multidimensional). I will write about DNA in the future, but suffice to say, it is incredibly important in past, present and future health of the individual.

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