Whether you realise it or not, you are a multidimensional being with infinite potential. Nobody teaches us in school about that potential, or indeed much beyond our physical bodies and what they are capable of.

Although most people understand the concept of the ‘soul’, it is often framed in religious teaching rather than spirituality.

We are, in reality, present in many different dimensions at once. It is even possible to have parallel selves living parallel lives to our own, a concept I cover in my ‘Soul Extensions’ blog here.

So what does our multidimensional self look like? There are different schools of thought on this, but I will stick to the one I work with and interact with intuitively.

Above everything is Source Consciousness, God, The Universe, whatever you want to call it.

First, the Divine Aspect, which connects to Source and is part of it on a consciousness level. We are all connected, and whatever we do to ourselves, either through hurting or healing, affects the collective in some way.

Next, is what I refer to as the I AM Presence. It connects closely to the Divine Aspect, but is individual and unique to you.

Following that is the Monadic Soul Group. This group soul consists of the soul group you have agreed to incarnate with this lifetime, and varies from lifetime to lifetime depending on which lessons you have collectively decided to take on.

Usually your Monadic Soul Group are those closest to you, like your spouse and children. Often your soul group will have incarnated together many times, and there may be karmic issues to examine with each other.

Next is your Higher Self, which contains all of your accumulated wisdom over many lifetimes. It is the ‘wise parent’ to your naïve child, and will guide and help you through life’s challenges if you let it.

After that is the Light Body, where your Soul is housed. Your Light Body has 22 chakras and corresponding layers or Energy Fields, each one dealing with emotional, mental, psychological etc. issues.

At the very bottom is physical ‘you’, the living, breathing body you are familiar with, with all its limitations, aches and pains!

Recently I made a breakthrough with healing that I haven’t seen any other healers talking about. I realised that, while most of my work focuses on the physical and light bodies, there are patterns in the Higher Aspects that show up regularly in clients. Those Higher Aspects need healing too!

The issues I have found showing up in the Higher Aspects are as follows:


*karmic imprints

*limiting beliefs

*old programming


*chemical imbalances (heavy metals, acidity etc.)

*toxins and toxic substance damage

*allergies and intolerances


*emotional imbalances


*influence of others


*effects of separation

*very traumatic memories

*imprints of past illnesses

*genetic dispositions


As I generally focus on your light body and physical body while I am working on you anyway, I have covered the things I tend to find there elsewhere.

Not everyone will need every single aspect healed with every session, but if there is a pressing issue like a phobia it can help to have your I AM presence checked, for example.

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