“A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
― Eric Micha’el Leventhal

As many are now awakening and stepping onto their own path of spiritual and soul healing, they often feel drawn to becoming healers themselves. It’s not an easy path, and is certainly not for the faint of heart, but it can be tremendously rewarding.

Most healers have done the job before, either in past lives or between lives in the Spirit world, so you may already have a wealth of experience lying dormant in your subconscious.

Where should you start if you feel the healing path is for you?

Here are my 10 top tips/advice based on my own experiences:

  • If you are unsure or are swithering about whether it is the right path for you, listen to your intuition and inner guidance. If it’s right for you, your Guides will put opportunities in your way and if you go with the flow and follow intuitive ‘nudges’ circumstances will lead you in the right direction.

However, if it’s not for you, you will face obstacles and blocks that will become bigger and more challenging until you redirect your energies elsewhere.

  • What modality of healing attracts you the most? Trying out different modalities yourself and asking questions when you’re there can really help you to see what interests you the most. Remember that even within one modality, each healer will put their own stamp on it. No two healers are the same!
  • When you have narrowed down your favourite modalities to two or three, see if you can take training courses. Even if later you decide they are not for you, some elements may still be useful to you. Some online training courses are very reasonable, but give you a good basic understanding of the subject ( is a good place to start).
  • Always be open to learning. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos. See how other healers work. It is imperative that you have a basic understanding of the human anatomy, and a very good understanding of the human multidimensional field (chakras, energy field, meridians etc.). This takes time, study and practice.
  • Heal yourself! I cannot overstate this enough! It is probably best to start with a decent healer that you trust. All your insecurities, issues etc. will need brought to the surface and picked through. This is called ‘shadow work’, and it is imperative that you can do this either yourself or with another healer supporting you. It is an ongoing process, but very important if you want to be able to help others.

Emotional clutter and baggage in your own energy field blocks and inhibits not just your energy flow but your intuition also.

  • Practise, practise, practise! Start on yourself, your family and willing friends. It is very easy to stay in the self-limiting comfort zone of ‘I’m not ready yet’, but at some point, if you are serious about doing this, you have to bite the bullet and offer your services to others you maybe don’t know.

When I started out, this was a huge hurdle for me, as I lacked confidence in my abilities and was terrified about making a mistake or getting it wrong. I knew these issues would hold me back, so I worked on my own healing in this respect. Nonetheless, putting yourself ‘out there’ for the first time can be terrifying! I advertised free healing sessions on Facebook, with the proviso that I was still just learning, and was surprised at the number of people who volunteered! People love to get something for free!

Although these first sessions were far from perfect, they gave me experience and something to work towards.

  • Client feedback is usually a good place to start when you are wondering when to start charging for your sessions. If you are at the stage where people are happy with what you are doing and seeing some benefit, then go for it. See what the going rate is for other healers in your area and go for a similar price.

Healers and spiritual people often feel guilty asking for money for their services, but that is another self-limiting belief to be worked on. I wouldn’t expect a plumber to come and unblock my toilet without pay, so why should I feel bad about getting paid to provide a service?

  • Have a clear and easy to navigate website so that not only can people find you but they can see what services you provide and your pricing structure. Get business cards printed and leave them in local holistic/spiritual shops. Doing psychic/holistic fayres if you have them in your area is a great way to get out there and spread the word!
  • Consider ‘swapping’ healing sessions with other healers. Not only does this give you an opportunity to learn, it allows each of you to experience the other’s ‘area of expertise’.

If you then get a client that is not the right fit for you, you can recommend other healers who may be more experienced with their problem. They would obviously do the same for you.

  • Look after yourself! Realise that you cannot pour from an empty cup, so take time out when you need to recharge if you feel unwell or drained. It’s also worth remembering that you don’t need to take any client who comes to you looking for help. At times, you may be contacted by a prospective client who just doesn’t ‘feel’ right, or who gives you a bad feeling. Your intuition is telling you they are not for you: either decline politely or offer the name of another healer you think would serve them better.

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