This is the first part of Catherine and Duncan’s story, which begins with an ending…

I first met Catherine two years ago, following a phone call asking if I was able to help her deal with the grief she felt at the death of her husband. She had spoken to me at length on the phone about his short illness, his heart attack, and her utter desolation after his passing just three months earlier.

When she arrived at my home for her Quantum Hypnosis session, I felt the hurt, anger and pain radiating from her, and could see how hopeless she felt.

She told me about her childhood, where she felt unwanted and unloved by her parents; how she had married an abusive man to escape from her dysfunctional family life; she had a son with this man before leaving him to bring up her son on her own, and then Duncan walked into her life, changing everything forever.

At the time, she was struggling to bring her son up herself, and lived in a small flat. She called an electrician to fix her shower, and Duncan appeared on the doorstep. The force of power she felt when she opened the door and saw him standing there ‘in all his glory’ was tremendous. Catherine told me that they both felt a real electrical charge when their eyes met that was incredibly powerful. Duncan fixed her shower, and never left!

She spoke of how kind he was, how she loved his hands, and although they had no money, they had each other, and that was more than enough. They complemented each other perfectly. She told me that people could see that the love they had for each other was special, and it made some jealous.

We talked at length about how she was coping with her loss, and Catherine told me that she only went out to walk her dog, she spent hours watching rubbish on TV and her sleep schedule was chaotic. She slept in Duncan’s pyjamas, wore his aftershave, and talked to him non-stop. She felt his presence around her, but couldn’t see or hear him, and it was tearing her apart.

What came across was the sheer amount of anger she felt- Why was he taken away from her? Why now, when they were in their prime and so happy? Why could she not go with him? She admitted that she would be quite happy to die now to be with him again.

As is common in people who have childhood trauma, the first ‘stop’ in Catherine’s past life regression journey was early in her current life, where she saw herself as a little five year old girl walking into her house. She could hear her parents arguing as she entered, and felt a familiar fear grip her. Her father was hitting her mother, and they both ignored her as she entered the room.

I asked her to tell her parents how they made her feel, and her mother told her she neither wanted her nor loved her. Catherine knew this, and at this stage, she was not quite ready to forgive. We released the fear she had held in her heart all these years.

The next significant event we visited in Catherine’s regression was her wedding day. ‘My soul is dancing!’ she exclaimed. She described her happiness as Duncan looked down at her with his beautiful brown eyes and said ‘I’ll look after you.’

I asked Catherine to look into Duncan’s eyes and see if she knew him from a previous life. She felt that he had been her father in another life, and as a little girl she had loved him very much. At this point, Duncan spoke to her and said ‘I’ve been everybody. I’m your Duncan, and I will love you to the end.’

The humour and ‘banter’ that they both shared, along with the deep joy being together brought them, was very evident as they shared memories during the regression.

Catherine, angry again, wanted to know why he had been taken away from her, and why he wouldn’t come back and show himself. She was furious with the Universe! ‘Don’t argue with the Divine!’ was Duncan’s answer. He explained that at the moment her energy was too dense to connect with him more, and that he wasn’t allowed to come back. He also told her that if she were to end her own life, she would never find him. He advised her to talk to the photograph she had of him, and he would be there with her, listening.

Her Higher Self came in and spoke about Catherine’s lessons in this life. She had been through many hard times, and learned all the lessons that she had been given, but this lesson was the most important, and she wasn’t learning it. LOVE NEVER DIES. That was it, simple. Love never dies…

The Higher Self spoke sternly to Catherine about how it was not her place to argue with the Divine, and that she still had a lot of important spiritual work to do in this life. She was frustrated that Herself and Catherine’s guides had all been trying to give her Divine Healing Light, but Catherine pushed it away every time. She called Catherine ‘a flower ready to open’, but she had to be receptive to the healing that was being offered.

Catherine was surprised to see that her mother was among her spirit guides. She knew she had treated Catherine badly in this lifetime, but was helping her and guiding her in Spirit. Duncan, not surprisingly, was ‘the Boss’, and her grandmother, who she had loved, was her third guide. Her Granny told her that every time she saw yellow flowers, she was to think of her.

We finished the session with some soul retrieval, cord cutting and ancestral line clearing. Her Higher Self could not balance her chakras or heal her aura because it was all still too dense.

A few months later, I was surprised to get a phone call from Catherine. It was like talking to a different person! She sounded happier, more positive, and was going to the gym daily and walking in the park with her dog. She told me that her session had saved her life. She was slowly beginning to accept that things were as they were for a reason, and she was moving on with her life.

She knew that she could speak to the photograph she had of Duncan, and he would be there, listening to her. Love never dies…

I wanted to write another twin flame blog which told the story of the rarest of things, a perfect twin flame relationship. This is in contrast to my twin flame healing blog part 1 part 2 part 3.

All rights reserved. This article has been copyrighted, and may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the author.

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