Parts 1-6 of this Twin Flame Healing story can be found here:

1 2 3 4 5 6

For the backstory to this post, see part 4 of my blog.

Since a week or two had passed since I had heard from either Rachel or Stuart, I assumed everything was OK and running smoothly for them both.

However, when I arranged a catch up with Rachel, she told me otherwise.

She explained that she had bumped into Stuart at the supermarket while doing her weekly shop, and Stuart had told her that he had made a mistake leaving her, and wanted to go back to the way things were. He was very insistent. She explained that like him initially, she wanted space to be by herself, as she wasn’t ready to jump back into another relationship.

Between Rachel leaving the shop and unpacking her shopping at home, she had received at least ten messages from Stuart. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. ‘It’s been a nightmare! He is constantly phoning and messaging wanting to meet up with me, but I don’t particularly want to right now. I have a lot on at work and could do without this. I’ve had trouble from my boss because his calls have interrupted meetings.’

Had the runner become the chaser?

Stuart wanted to get back in the saddle without acknowledging any of the hurt and pain he had caused Rachel.

 ‘It’s his sense of entitlement that really makes me angry!’ she said. ‘He doesn’t want to talk about anything to do with the break up, and won’t recognise that he did anything wrong. I asked him to give me space, but he doesn’t listen. It’s driving me nuts! I respected him when he needed space, even although my soul was tearing apart. Why can’t he give me the same courtesy?’

I agreed to check with Stuart to see how he was doing. I did some distance healing on him, and realised things were not right. As soon as I started working on him, I felt the energy and personality of the Turkish sultan coming through.

He was a spirit attachment, and he was in Stuart’s sacral chakra!

Whenever I do any spirit releasement work, I always ask Archangel Michael to help, so I asked him to be present while I connected with the Sultan to speak to him. I asked the sultan to come up to Stuart’s head where I could speak to him.

Doing this work over time I have discovered that I can ask the spirit to speak through me, and it can use my voice to speak. The sultan told me that his name was Abubakkar, and he had been attached to Stuart for 500 years. He told me the girl he loved was called Ariana (Rachel in this life).

He repeated over and over again that he loved her, she was his, and he wanted her. She was his!

I saw where Stuart’s sense of entitlement was coming from, as spirit attachments can often change the host’s behaviour and emotions.

I explained that he was holding up his soul’s evolution, and that his rightful place was in the Light, where he could heal. He agreed to go with Archangel Michael, who wrapped him in Light and took him away. He told us when he got to the Light that it was beautiful, and he was sorry.

There were another three earthbound spirits attached to Stuart. All of them had attached at low points during Stuart’s current life. They were also released and guided to the Light by Michael.

Following Stuart’s session, I asked Rachel how things were. Although better, Stuart was still not getting the message that she needed space.

On a hunch, I asked Rachel if I could check her over.

She had been feeling unwell for a few days with stomach cramps, but had put it down to her period coming. I knew as I scanned her body what I was going to find.

In Rachel’s sacral chakra was Ariana, the sultan’s favourite slave!

When I spoke to her, emotion flowed out with my tears. Her small voice told me how sad she was-she had been stuck as a spirit attachment to Rachel for 500 years, unable to move on. She loved Abubakkar (in spite of his appalling abuse), but he had hurt her so much. She was just a child!

She told me that she was taken as a slave at 14 from North Africa (the area now called Tunisia) and Abubakkar had instantly fallen for her dusky skinned beauty and fragility. From the moment he bought her for his harem, her life became Hell.

He was depraved and sadistic, torturing the women in his harem before having sex with them. Despite all this, Ariana loved him.

She told me that her attachment had caused Rachel to suffer terrible period pains and stomach cramps, and she had also brought with her lots of shame and guilt, which Rachel carried in her sacral chakra.

Ariana admitted that it was her who had drawn Rachel to her previous abusive and toxic boyfriend, because she recognised similar traits in him to Abubakkar. She told me that Rachel would have left him far sooner than she did had it not been for her influence.

She was ready to go to the Light, and said that for five hundred years of incarnations Stuart and Rachel had been doomed to repeat the same relationship dynamics, but this lifetime was going to be different. All she wanted was for them to be together. She was happy that they were both receiving the healing they needed.

Gently and with love, Michael lifted her out and took her up to the Light.

This particular release left me feeling profoundly emotional, and I felt glad that after five hundred years, these two spirits would finally get the chance to heal and be at peace.

All rights reserved. This article has been copyrighted, and may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the author.

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